Scuba Diving Apps

There’s An App For That!
Whenever you go diving, I’m sure you have a checklist of everything you’ll need to take with you. But, is it complete? Are you totally prepared? Maybe.
Don’t let your trip be derailed by anything. Make sure you’ve got your smart phone at the ready. Do you need to know where the closest PADI dive shop is?Do you have your checklist handy? How about a dive log. Well, good news, there’s an app for that!
Here are some of them:
• PADI – The PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) app enables users to log in and find any PADI dive centre in the world. Just enter your current GPS co-ordinates, your zip code or the name of a city and the PADI app will show you exactly where to go to find a PADI dive school. It’s simple to use.
• Dive Log – It is designed to work in the same way as a traditional log book, the Dive Log app enables users to log their dives while at the site and all is still fresh in your mind. You can also link it up to your desktop computer or laptop when you get home.
• Scuba Exam – This app will help you stay up to date with scuba theory or be an incredible study aid when preparing to take one of the scuba certification exams. The best thing is you can study anywhere.
• Scuba Checklist – Make sure you don’t leave something behind before your next dive. It has premade lists and options for you to create your own lists. You can easily check off items that you pack for your dive. Each item has the option to add details so your lists become even more thorough. If your friends have checklists that you like, you can exchange with them. This app also has a backup and restore feature to protect you from losing your data.
So, make sure to download these apps way before you go diving. They really help you achieve the best diving experience you can get. Don’t leave home without them.