Marine Life is Threatened

Nearly Half of World’s Marine Life Wiped Out in Just 40 Years
Photo credit: Getty Images/Donald Miralle
A recent report by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) shows that our marine population including marine mammals, fish, birds and reptiles has shown an alarming decline. From 1970 to 2010 this population has decreased by half.
As if that isn’t scary enough, some species of fish that are critical to the global food supply have declined by a remarkable 74%.The reason for this appears to be a collective mismanagement of the oceans bringing them to the brink of collapse.
“Overfishing not only affects the balance and interaction of life in the ocean, but also the social and economic well-being of the coastal communities that depend on fish for their way of life,” the WWF said, in the report.“In the space of a single generation, human activity has severely damaged the ocean by catching fish faster than they can reproduce while also destroying their nurseries,” WWF director said. “Profound changes are needed to ensure abundant ocean life for future generations.”
This is just a portion of the article by Avaneesh Pandey in the International Business Times.
Click here to read the entire article.