Scuba Quiz

Test Your Scuba Knowledge
Are you a scuba diving expert or just a beginner or somewhere in between? Maybe you just need to brush up. Wherever you fit, take the following quiz and see where you rank. This and other quizzes can be found at ProProfs Quiz Maker.
1. The air in a scuba tank is comprised of _____ oxygen and _____ nitrogen.
A. 50%, 50%
B. 21%, 79%
C. 79%, 20%
D. 100%, 0%
2. True or False: An object is neutrally buoyant when it displaces an amount of water less than its own weight.
A. True
B. False
3. What should you do to prevent mask squeeze (a sucking or pulling feeling on your face and eyes).
A. Make an ah-h-h-h sound
B. Pinch your nose and blow against it
C. Wiggle your jaw from side to side
D. Blow into your mask through your nose
4. The most important feature for consideration when selecting a regulator is.
A. The Color
B. The number of hoses
C. Ease of Breathing
D. The Size
5. The most important feature of any weight system is.
A. The size of the weights
B. The ease of adjustment
C. The shape of the weights
D. A quick release mechanism
6. Sound travels well in water and it is difficult to tell.
A. Where the sound is coming from
B. How loud the sound is
C. What causes the sound
D. Whether the sound is normal
7. The best place to carry an alternative air source is
A. Loose by your side so that you can find it fast
B. In your pocket
C. Clipped to the cylinder
D. Attached to the triangle area between your chin and your chest
8. How can you avoid vertigo (dizziness and confusion) on a dive.
A. Close your eyes
B. Turn slowly while you look up
C. Ascent (go up) and descend (go down) along the bottom or a reference line
D. All of the above
9. Underwater visibility (how far you can see horizontally) can be affected by.
A. Water movement
B. Weather
C. Suspended particles (floating silt) in the water
D. All of the above
10. Most diver injuries caused by aquatic animals happen because.
A. The animals think you are food
B. The animal is aggressive (like a bully)
C. The animal is protecting itself from you
D. You did not feed the animal
11. Decompression sickness (DCS) is a condition that can be life threatening. What forms in the bloodstream and tissues that can cause this condition.
A. Nitrogen bubbles
B. Poisons
C. Body waste
D. Foam
See the answers on the next page.