Underwater Gardening?

Are You Running Out of Space for Your Garden
Imaging growing your fruits and vegetables underwater. Nemo’s Garden is a project that is underway to accomplish just that. It appears to be working as they have been at it for four years.
Now instead of diving to check out all of the natural flora and fauna under the ocean, there is a whole new group of flora to see to.
Hopefully, the project will succeed and produce a new generation of farmers. Farmers that use wet suits and scuba gear rather than plows. It’s a new generation!
Read below to see how this underwater gardening idea works.
An unconventional project called Nemo’s Garden is building experimental greenhouses off the coast of Italy – and they’re underwater.
The project is the innovative brainchild of Sergio Gamberini, president of Ocean Reef Group, the idea of which came to him while on vacation in Italy.
“I try to do something that’s a little different and to show the beauty of the ocean,” Gamberini said. “I hope to do something for the young people and to inspire new dreams.”
Click here to read the complete article by Morenike Adebayo at iflscience.com