Orca Rescue

Most Intelligent Predator on Earth
Dr. Ingrid Visser dedicates her life and her research to help the most intelligent predator on earth – Orca. She swims with wild orca and advocates for modern solutions to release orcas from captivity.
Since she was a child she wanted to study whales and dolphins and, particularly, orca. This short film was shot in New Zealand and documents Ingrid’s life mission to preserve wild orca through education and leading rescue missions to save orca from shallow waters and fishing line entanglements.
Orca fetuses are uncannily similar to humans prior to becoming recognizable as an orca. Human fetuses have a tail which is absorbed back into the body and orca have hind limbs that get absorbed. It has also been discovered that they have the largest brain for its body size of any animal in the world. In fact, they have a part of their brain that humans don’t which is believed to be linked to their empathy and compassion.
Please watch the most fascinating film.