15 Most Beautiful Fishes

Sit Back and Relax
The following are the 15 most beautiful fishes in the world according to Wild Nature.
1-Mandarin Fish
Mandarin fish or Mandarin goby is a small brightly colored fish belonging to the family of dragons , which is very popular in saltwater aquariums .
Seahorses are a group of marine fish belonging to the family Syngnathidae , which also includes pipefish . Its name comes from the resemblance peculiar that has its head with horses.
The lionfish , scorpionfish erroneously called , is a fish of the family Scorpaenidae . Its natural habitat is tropical reefs Lagoon and Indian Ocean and the western Pacific.
4-Clown Triggerfish
There are numerous species of clownfish ( over 40 ) and their designs are fascinating. Especially the clown triggerfish. Usually consist of points and lines. Inhabit the Indo – Pacific.
5-Clown Fish
Amphiprioninae is a subfamily of marine fish of the Pomacentridae , known as clown fish or anemone fish family. The clownfish is characterized by contrasting vivid colors , red , pink, black , yellow , orange or white.
6-Moorish idol
The Moorish idol, only species of the genus Zanclus , which in turn is the only framed in the Zanclidae family. It is a marine fish of the order Perciformes , distributed by tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans.
7-Emperor Angelfish
The Emperor angelfish is a kind of actinopterigio perciforme pomacántido living in the Indo-Pacific coral reefs . Noted for its attractive colors and remarkable transformation of juvenile to adult.
8-Gonodactylus Smithii
Gonodactylus smithii is a malacostráceo order Stomatopoda crustacean that lives in the Great Barrier Reef of Australia , commonly known as mantis shrimp .
9-Surgeon Fish
The Acanthurus leucosternon is a surgeon fish , family of acanthurids . Its common name is powder blue tang, surgeon or blue sky. It is perhaps the most popular species of the genus in aquariums .
10-Royal Caribbean Grandmother
The royal caribbean grandmother , is a fish of very brilliant colors , even compared to other fish standards of arrrecifes . Usually swim with the always stuck to rocks or coral belly, and therefore we can often see him head up, other times nothing upside down. Depending and according to the forms of movement they can be seen swimming in the fully inverted position.
11-Butterfly Fish
The family Chaetodontidae or butterfly fish are a group of conspicuous tropical marine fish . Found mostly in reefs of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific , are somewhat small, 12-22 cm in length.
The Discus is a genus of fish of the cichlid family. It is native to the lowlands of the Amazon River and its tributaries, belongs to the family of cichlids from South America. These waters are usually quite acidic and soft.
13-Parrot Fish
The scarid or parrotfish are a family of fish sailors including in the order Perciformes. Most are tropical species, distributed in coral reefs of the Red, Atlantic Ocean , Indian Ocean and Pacific ocean.
14-Beta fish
The Siam wrestler also known as beta fish is a species of freshwater fish of the family of laberíntidos , but before was misclassified among the Anabantidae . It is native to the Mekong basin in Southeast Asia.
15-Dart Fish
Nemateleotris decora is a dart fish , family of Ptereleotridae. Its common name is fiery dart goby decorated or purple. It is a very shy fish that live in holes in the rock and quickly hides at the slightest sign of danger.